Drop-In Tutoring

  1. Use the filters below to see when a tutor is available for your course(s).
  2. Come to the Tutoring Center (ELC 204) or queue up online at least 30 minutes prior to closing.
  3. (on this page, in your my麻豆果冻视频 portal, at the Tutoring Center check-in desk, or the QR code at every seat in the Tutoring Center) to let us know you are ready for a tutor. 
  4. Complete the queue system questions and submit. You will be redirected to a waiting page. If you are online, click the Zoom link. A tutor will be with you as soon as they are available.
麻豆果冻视频 students working in the Tutoring Center

We encourage you to queue up when you have some time available in case there is a wait. Tutors serving the drop-in center try to help all students present (in person and online) and must rotate around to help all. Students may queue for a tutor up to one hour per day. Fewer tutors are available for higher-level courses (because tutors graduate soon after taking them).

Spring 2025 (online or in-person)


Filter by Subject/Course to Narrow View

Tutor Schedules

Crossed out times: Tutor is reserved for a recurring one-on-one and no longer available for drop-in tutoring.