Article 1. Duties of the Officers/Executive Committee
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for directing the affairs of the Faculty Senate, including discussion of relevant issues, accepting agenda items from Faculty Senate Members, and setting the agenda for each regularly scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate. The Executive Committee consists of the Senate President, Past-President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. The Executive Committee shall:
- arrange for an examination of the financial records at the conclusion of the year;
- serve as a liaison to standing, university, or ad hoc committees as determined by the Executive Committee;
- prepare and transmit a budget request for funds necessary to accomplish the activities of the Senate to the President of the Senate, for transmittal to the President of the University; and,
- perform other official Faculty Senate duties as assigned.
Section 2. The President of the Senate shall be a tenured Faculty member of Southern Utah University. The President is elected by the 麻豆果冻视频 Faculty and serves a term of three years, one year as Vice President (President-Elect), one year as President, and one year as Past-President. The teaching load of the Faculty Senate President is reduced by (12 Semester Hours) during the one-year term of office. The President shall:
- preside at Faculty Senate Executive Committee meetings;
- preside at Faculty Senate meetings;
- vote only in the event of a tied vote;
- appoint, with senate approval, members to standing, university, and/or ad hoc committees;
- attend meetings of the Dean's Council, President’s Council, and Board of Trustees;
- attend meetings as designated by the President of the University;
- represent the Faculty Senate at official 麻豆果冻视频 functions;
- work with the Senate Administrative Assistant to arrange for facilities for meetings;
- notify appropriate administration of Faculty Senate election results;
- monitor financial records;
- serve as liaison to standing, University, and/or ad hoc committees as determined by the Executive Committee;
- make an annual written report to the President of the University and University Faculty; and,
- perform other official Faculty Senate Duties as appropriate;
- serve on the Academic Calendar Planning Committee;
- ensure there are two faculty representatives on the Academic Standards and Admissions Committee;
- ensure there are two faculty representatives on the Program and Course Fee Committee.
Section 3. The Past-President of the Senate shall serve a term of one year immediately following their term as Faculty Senate President. The teaching load of the Past-President is reduced by 6 semester hours during the one-year term of office. The Past-President shall:
- serve on the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate;
- serve as a non-voting member of the Faculty Senate;
- preside over Faculty Senate meetings in the event the current President is unable;
- appropriately mentor the incoming President and President-Elect on senate-related processes and procedures;
- serve as Chair of the University Academic Affairs Committee during the one-year term as Past-President; and,
- serve on the Academic Program review committee during the one-year term as Past-President.
Section 4. The Vice-President of the Senate shall be a tenured Faculty member of Southern Utah University. The Vice-President shall serve a term of one year, and then shall succeed and assume the duties as President of the Faculty Senate the following year. The teaching load of the Faculty Senate Vice-President is reduced by 6 Semester Hours during the one-year term of office. The Vice-President of the Senate shall:
- serve on the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate;
- serves as a non-voting member;
- attend meetings of the 麻豆果冻视频 Board of Trustees throughout the year, and meetings of the Dean's Council as assigned by the Faculty Senate President; and meetings of the President’s Council;
- serve as Southern Utah University's liaison to Utah Council of Faculty Senate Leadership (UCFSL);
- preside over Faculty Senate meetings in the absence of the President and the Past-President;
- assume duties of the President in the absence of the President; and,
- serve as a liaison to standing, university, and/or ad hoc committees as determined by the Executive Committee; and perform other official Faculty Senate duties as assigned.
Section 5. The Secretary of the Senate shall be elected from among the membership of the Senate and shall serve a term of one year. The Secretary may or may not be tenured, but a strong preference for a tenured faculty exists. The Secretary may be reelected for the same position or any other position on the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall:
- serve on the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate;
- work with the Administrative Assistant to ensure that the Faculty Senate Minutes are recorded;
- work with the Administrative Assistant to distribute the agenda for the up-coming meeting and the minutes of the preceding meeting to all Faculty members via electronic mail distribution and on the faculty senate web-page (;
- work with the Administrative Assistant to place a copy of the approved minutes and other official documents on the 麻豆果冻视频 Faculty Senate Website, where they are open to inspection or reference by any Faculty member, or by the general public;
- collect and recognize proxies to establish voting eligibility;
- serve as liaison to standing, university, and/or ad hoc committees as determined by the Executive Committee; and,
- perform other official Faculty Senate duties as assigned.
Section 6. The Treasurer of the Senate shall be elected from the membership of the senate and shall serve a term of one year. The Treasurer may be reelected to the same position, or may be elected to any other position on the Executive Committee. The Treasurer may or may not be tenured; however, a strong preference for a tenured faculty member exists. The Treasurer shall:
- serve on the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate
- present a current financial report at Faculty Senate Meeting;
- supervise and monitor the Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant on the use of budget
- serve as a liaison to standing, university, and/or ad hoc committees as determined by the Executive Committee; and,
- perform other official Faculty Senate duties as assigned.
Section 7. The Parliamentarian of the Senate shall be elected from among the membership of the Senate and shall serve a one year term. The Parliamentarian may be reelected to the same position, or may be elected to any other position on the Executive Committee. The Parliamentarian shall be a tenured Faculty member of Southern Utah University. The Parliamentarian of the Senate shall:
- serve on the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate;
- ensure that the rules of procedures (Parliamentary authority), according to Robert's Rules of Order are followed in the Senate meetings;
- chair the Faculty Senate in the absence of the President, Past-President, and Vice-President;
- serve as liaison to standing, university, and/or ad hoc committees as determined by the Executive Committee; and,
- perform other official Faculty Senate duties as assigned.
Section 8. The elected Faculty Senate officers shall assume their positions at the April meeting of the Faculty Senate.
Article 2. Elections
Section 1: One representative from each academic department will serve on the Faculty Senate. To be eligible for election to the Faculty Senate, individuals must be full-time faculty as defined in the Faculty Senate Constitution: Article 2.1; they must be in, at least, their second year of full-time employment at the University, thus taking office no earlier than the beginning of their third year. Senators completing a term of office longer than one year will not be eligible for re-election for at least one academic year except in the event a department has no alternative eligible and willing faculty member. In this instance the current Senator may be elected to serve a second term.
Section 2: The Provost’s Office will provide the number of academic departments to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee at the beginning of each Spring Semester. The Faculty Senate President shall ensure each department has a Faculty Senator for the subsequent academic year, and that the number of tenured Senators exceeds the number of non-tenured or tenure-track Senators.
Section 3: By the first day in April, the retiring Senator shall conduct an election within the Department, transmit the results of the election of the newly elected Senators to the Senate President. By the first day in May, the Senate President shall provide the University Provost and President a complete Faculty Senate roster for the coming academic year.
Section 4: Vacancies in the Senate due to resignation, incapacitation, or impeachment shall be filled by an emergency election called by the affected Department. The Department Chair will communicate the results of the emergency election to the Faculty Senate President.
Section 5: Procedures for nominations and election of the Vice President (President Elect): At any time the Vice President seat becomes vacant, the President of the Faculty Senate shall call for nominations from the University Faculty. To be eligible for nomination for Faculty Senate Vice President (President-Elect), a faculty member must be tenured and a current or former Faculty Senate Senator.
The Senate President will confirm that all nominees are eligible, and will contact each nominee to confirm willingness to serve. Once the ballot of willing nominees is finalized, the Senate President will initiate a two phase election process.
Phase One: An anonymous voting process will be provided for all University faculty members. The Phase One ballot will include the names in alphabetical order of all eligible and willing. The two candidates with the highest number of votes will be placed on a final ballot for Phase Two.
Phase Two: All University faculty members will be provided the opportunity to vote anonymously for the two finalists. The two finalists will be listed alphabetically on the ballot. The candidate receiving the simple majority vote will be elected as Faculty Senate Vice President.
If at any time both the President and Vice President seats become vacant simultaneously, the presiding officer of the Senate will call for nominations for both seats, and will follow these procedures for both elections.
Article 3. Vacated Senate Seats; Proxy Representation
Section 1: Vacated Senate seats shall be filled by following the election procedures established in Article 2: Section 4 of the Bylaws. If the seat is vacated by an individual holding an Executive Committee office in the Senate, the Senate seat shall be filled through the established procedures, and the office in the Executive Committee shall be filled for the remainder of the term in accord with election procedures described in Article 3 of the Senate Constitution. The presiding officer of such an election shall be the senior officer present at the meeting. The order of seniority being President, Vice President, Past-President, Parliamentarian, Secretary, or Treasurer.
Section 2: An elected Senator unable to attend scheduled Senate meetings may designate a proxy representative. The Senator must send an e-mail to the senate secretary granting the proxy voting privileges. The e-mail must be sent via their 麻豆果冻视频 e-mail account at least one hour prior to the beginning of the Senate meeting.
Section 3: After two consecutive unexcused absences by a Senator in which no proxy has been designated, the Secretary of the Senate shall notify the Senator. After three unexcused absences, the Senate seat shall be deemed "vacated" and procedures for filling a vacated Senate seat shall begin.
Article 4. Faculty Senate Standing Committees:
Section 1. The following committees are commissioned and charged by the Faculty Senate President in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee and the Provost’s Office
FACULTY REVIEW BOARD: The Faculty Senate President, in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee and members of the Senate appoints one member from each college to serve on the Faculty Review Board as described below. Senators from each college/school agree upon a faculty representative from their college/school and provide recommendations to the Senate President at least one week prior to the last Senate meeting in April. The President notifies nominees of their appointment. Should the Senators nominate someone who is unable or unwilling to serve, the Faculty Senate President will notify the senior Senator and ask for a second nominee. To serve on the Faculty Review Board, a nominee must be tenured and hold the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, and have been employed at Southern Utah University for a minimum of three years. Members of the Faculty Review Board serve three-year terms. Faculty Review Board Charge: Review grievances raised which involve faculty (麻豆果冻视频 Policy 6.22). If a student is involved in the faculty grievance, two students named by 麻豆果冻视频SA Executive Officers and approved by the Faculty Senate Executive committee are added to the board. This board convenes on a case-by-case basis. Members serve a 3-year term.
ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: Members serve a 3-year term. One member from each academic college/school will serve on this committee. The immediate Past-President of the Faculty Senate serves as chair of this committee and serves as a non-voting member to this committee. Charge: Review and make recommendations on matters and policies relating to curriculum and other affairs concerning the faculty, including the Faculty Senate constitution, and bylaws.
WORKLOAD AND FACULTY SALARY EQUITY COMMITTEE (WaFSEC): Members serve a 3-year term and shall be composed of one faculty representative from the Library and one faculty representative from each College, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences will have two representatives based on the disproportionate number of faculty members. Members need not be a member of the Faculty Senate, however all new members must be approved by the Senate. Upon the recommendation of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, a faculty member will be appointed to serve as the Chair for a three-year term. The Chair shall serve as a non-voting member and receive a one 3-credit course release each academic year during their term in office. At the end of 3 years, the Committee shall vote to elect a new chair of the Committee from the existing committee members. The Faculty Senate President-Elect will serve as a non-voting member and liaison to the Faculty Senate. Charge: This committee will review revenue and salary data and keep current the 麻豆果冻视频 salary model. In addition, this committee will review and analyze the 麻豆果冻视频 faculty workload data. The committee will work with the 麻豆果冻视频 administration to address salary and workload issues.
FACULTY LEAVES COMMITTEE: The committee will review and make recommendations regarding sabbatical application requests. The Faculty Senate President, in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee and members of the Senate, appoints one member from each College and the Library to serve a three-year term. Members must be tenured and preferably have previously received a sabbatical. The Faculty Senate President will appoint one member to serve as Chair of the Committee. Using criteria outlined in policy 6.15, the committee will evaluate all requests for sabbatical leaves. The committee will recommend approval or denial to the Provost. For proposals recommended for approval, the University Faculty Leaves Committee provides a rank ordering to the Provost. For proposals recommended for denial, the committee provides formative feedback to the faculty member’s Department Chair.
Section 2. The following identifies committees, length of office, and duties and responsibilities for University Committees with Faculty Senate representation in some but not all cases acting as a non-voting, Ex officio member. Senators serve a one-year term, but may serve up to three consecutive years as their term on the Senate allows. Senate representatives report on the committees’ activities in Faculty Senate meetings. Committees are commissioned and staffed by the Provost’s Office in consultation with deans of colleges or schools, and are annually charged by either the Provost’s Office, or by the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Provost’s Office. The Provost’s Office works with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to ensure representatives are assigned by the last Faculty Senate Meeting in April.
POLICY/PROCEDURE ARBITRATION COMMITTEE: This ad hoc committee is charged to mediate differences between the Dean's Council and Faculty Senate in matters of academic policies. The committee can be convened by the Provost’s Office or by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Members include: Faculty Senate President, Academic Affairs Committee Chair, one Academic Dean selected by the Dean’s Council and the University Provost.
UNIVERSITY PROMOTION AND TENURE COMMITTEE: Upon standing request, by the First of April, the Provost’s Office, notifies the Dean of each College or School about vacancies on the University Promotion and Tenure Committee. By the last day in April, Deans provide the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the appropriate representative from the Provost’s Office with a roster of faculty serving on this committee for the next academic year. The Faculty Senate President assigns one member of the committee to serve as chair.
Other University Standing Committees with Faculty Senate Representation:
FACULTY AWARDS COMMITTEES: The Faculty Awards Committees typically include the following:
- Distinguished Faculty Lecture & Grace A Tanner Committee
- Outstanding and Distinguished Educator Awards Committee
- Distinguished Scholarly/Creative Activity Awards Committee
- Distinguished Faculty Service Award Committee
Upon standing request, by the First of April, the Provost’s Office, notifies the Dean of each College or School about vacancies on the Faculty Awards Committees. By the last day in April, Deans provide the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the appropriate representative from the Provost’s Office with a roster of faculty serving on these committees for the next academic year. The Faculty Senate President assigns one member of the committee to serve as chair. The committee chair ensures the nomination and selection process proceed. The chair of the committee notifies the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Provost’s Office the recipients of the awards by March 1st.
Section 3: Ad hoc committees shall be appointed or elected by the Faculty Senate or Executive Committee when deemed necessary.
Article 5. Faculty Senate Meetings/Disposition of Action Items
Section 1: The Senate shall have at least one meeting per month as per Article 3: Section 6 of the Senate Constitution.
Section 2: The Executive Committee shall meet one week prior to the regularly scheduled meeting to set the agenda for the regular meeting. Agendas are distributed as outlined in Article 3: Section 9 of the Constitution.
Section 3: The agenda for the Faculty Senate Meetings shall generally include:
- Call to order
- Recognition of Presenters and Guests
- List names of those attending
- Approval of Minutes from last meeting
- Information Items (time for presenter to comment followed by brief time for questions)
- Action Items (Any items from last meeting requiring a vote)
- Discussion Items
- Standing committee updates
- Executive Session
- Adjourn
Section 4: Faculty Senate meetings are open meetings. In accordance with Constitution Article 3: Section 8, Meetings and/or portions of meetings may be designated as Executive Sessions in which only elected members of the Senate may be in attendance.
Section 5: Motions approved by the senate (Article 3: Section 7 of the Senate Constitution) are forwarded to the appropriate administrative bodies (as determined by 麻豆果冻视频 policies) with a request that a written response be returned to the Senate within 30 days.
Section 6: Any confidential matter concerning professional competency or information possibly damaging to the character or integrity of a Faculty member shall not be handled by the Faculty Senate or in public forums unless so requested by the individual involved. Rather, such matters shall be handled by the appropriate administrative body/bodies.
Article 6. Faculty Finances
Section 1: An account shall be established with the University by the Executive Committee of the Senate. Withdrawals of Senate funds shall be made after approval of expenditures by the Senate and upon the signature of the Treasurer and President or Vice-President of the Senate. If Faculty members elect to have the donations deducted from their pay checks, the 麻豆果冻视频 Accounting Department shall issue a signed form by the Faculty member to that effect. The Accounting Department shall then issue a check to the Treasures of the Senate for donation.
Article 7. Amendments
Section 1: Procedures for amending the Faculty Senate Bylaws shall be as follows: Amendments to these Bylaws may be adopted at any regular business meeting of the Faculty Senate by a (simple majority) vote of the Senate, provided they have been presented in writing at a previous meeting.
Section 2: The Faculty Senate is permitted to take action as necessary following an approving vote on situations not expressly addressed in Policy 6.10 Faculty Senate Constitution or the By-Laws for the Faculty Senate