100 Study Tips from College Students
Posted: September 20, 2018 | Author: Southern Utah University | Read Time: 12 minutes
Earning a college degree is a difficult, yet rewarding experience. You’ll need to dedicate hours to studying, researching, and learning your chosen major in order to become an expert in your field — but this doesn’t need to be a daunting task. We asked current students at Southern Utah University what their best study tips are and have compiled them here for you!
Check out these 100 tips for studying in college from current university students.
- Flash cards!!! - @stacie_h11
- Find some peace and quiet, a good snack, and take the time for a mini dance party break! - @hollylujah17
- Put your phone where you can't see it. Out of sight, out of mind! - @jessiemh159
- Study a little bit everyday, and then review the week before. Make sure to set a time to study and stick with it. - @auriannaluker
- Take breaks! If you study a little bit at a time instead of cramming you retain more info 🙂 - @xx_cas97_xx
- Study while doing an activity, like walking on the treadmill or listening to music. Psychological studies show this helps you retain the information! - @hanndango
- I always make note cards then have someone quiz me with them. I also like to rewrite my notes. When I study I always have a snack near by and take 10 min breaks every 30 minutes or so. I have been doing it this way since high school haha! - @lilhayys
- Take good detailed notes in class, then before tests make your own handwritten study guide with the most important points from your notes. This makes you reread all of your notes & rewrite the main points. The more you hand write things the better you will remember! - @meag.durrant
- Making references to your own life and lingo.. if you can’t remember something, use something as a synonym you can remember - @kylewandel
- Study in the library!!! It helps you focus - @kenzie_ostler
- Study a week before the test!! Not the night of 😂 - @christian_elbakri
- Keep a detailed planner! Write every single thing you need to do and the times you should do them if you can! - @kittykooo
- Keep away from distractions while studying and try not to have multiple things going on such as cooking and studying or talking to a friend/family member while doing homework. - @x4nthos
- Music, and amazing roommates❤️ - @omgg.jordanh
- You need to be distraction free - @pvance27
- Put aside a specific time of day to study and stick to it!😊 - @autumnjohnson00
- I use the Brain Focus app which helps me stay on task and take regular breaks. It's the best! - @therealcdiz
- Study outdoors on a Sunday. Everything is so peaceful that day and there are a lot of beautiful places to go - @igor_lls
- Read out loud your notes, and sometimes teach them to someone else to help you remember better - @aspenbonzo
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help! - @haleyn96
- Find what works for you. Find your style and learn what works best for you. Whether that's music, group study, highlighting everything, or highlighting nothing, everyone has their own thing. - @ryan.sun13
- Ask for help when you need it! It saves a lot of time and stress, which makes reviewing material a lot easier 😁 - @__katiesandoval
- Find a group of people in your class to study with. Make a group chat and keep each other motivated when you’re not together. - @_whitney_liz_
- Have a roommate reward you with snacks when you finish certain tasks during studying! - @kamillaedwards
- Make study groups with people in your classes, check canvas OFTEN - @mgjst_1012
- Don’t be afraid to let yourself take breaks during your studying. Studying for 6 hours straight isn’t always the most effective if you’re in zombie mode. Let yourself study a few chapters and then watch an episode or take a break, it’ll be way more beneficial! - @jas.min__
- It's a mindset, try to be a better student and a better person that you were the day before. Work Hard, Dream Big. Remember, success does not just happen. 👌 - @totos42
- Buckle down and concentrate! Don’t let yourself get distracted- deleting social media helps me tons! - @ashland_n
- Check Canvas multiple times a day, and find a group from class to always study with and finish assignments. Having that accountability will help you finish things! - @_mallywally_
- Make a list of things that need to get done before each school night. Then, prioritize them. What needs to be done by the end of tomorrow? What’s important but not urgent? Etc. Doing this helps me keep track of things I need to get done, and there’s a sense of accomplishment when I cross something off a list! - @kellpelicano
- Flash cards, and read the material at least 3 different times! - @laurynbrunt
- Invest in a planner!! It makes life so much easier to know when you have to have things done. Also color code your highlighting so you can find things easily!! - @mackruff1217
- Flash Cards, Color Coded notes and a relaxing playlist always works for me! - @_lipsknot_
- Make a planner, focus on your priorities - @josephngoff
- I like setting a timer for each subject and doing as much as I can until the time is up! Then I can move on to the next subject guilt free 👍 - @lemonnadian
- Classical music - @lisannyoung
- Make it enjoyable. Get comfortable, have food and get it done - @joshuasunnyjohnson
- Get comfy, be in a spot you can focus & always have a snack & some water! - @graceculley15
- Study in intervals. I’ve learned that if all you do is study your brain shuts off. 30 minutes on, 15 off and repeat - @ballroomgirly
- Reward yourself every 30 minutes of studying! - @hales.schwank
- Put on a bop playlist that motivates but doesn't distract you! I usually do movie orchestral soundtracks like Lord of the Rings 😄 Also promise yourself to just work on it for 5 min and soon you'll find yourself working away - @all.journey
- Go to the library and grind all day😂 - @burgessbadass
- Rewrite your notes neatly and color code them. Redraw graphs and diagrams, if needed. Mark things in red if it seems like it might be on a test or was already on a quiz. - @reikittiy
- Do it over the course of a week, not all on one day!! - @abbey_colledge
- My best tip would be to stay ahead of the game as much as you can. Focus and take notes on things you read and go over those soon after taking them if possible. Review notes and or reading briefly before going to class or a test/quiz. That would be my tip. - @3200dgg
- Put away all your distractions- the worst thing you can do is have your phone by your side while you’re trying to buckle down. Go through the book and class notes together to see what’s really important - @cat902
- Study by yourself (study groups never work...) and find your nook where you can get the best studying done (library’s perfect for me) - @syd.beal405
- Use distractions as a reward, I tell myself after I master a section in my textbook I get a few minutes of social media. Also setting aside a time of day to do homework or study, if you finish everything you can use that time to review the things you feel need a refresher - @madd_herrera
- Try a lot of different studying techniques until you find out what works for you! For me it helps to study material a couple days in advance, and handwritten notes are always 💯 over computer notes - @macey_tripp
- Study long and hard, then look at all the funny memes the internet has to offer. - @casonpatterson
- Stay confident and get a good night's sleep. Eat breakfast everyday, even if its a piece of fruit, you'll do better on all of your assignments and tests. #THOR - @josephmackun
- Make flashcards or use quizlet to help with memorizing terms. Also, make or join a study group for your hardest classes! - @kayleergerlach
- Find a quiet place and give yourself breaks while you’re studying. And always have snacks(: - @corrin_peterson
- Never too old for flash cards! - @ellekucifer
- GO TO THE LIBRARY. Find what works for you, and stick to it. We all learn differently. - @dallintripp
- Flash cards always! Put your phone on airplane mode. - @nosrevilonire
- You gotta train yourself to keep your electronics away. I don’t even listen to music while I study because it will eventually lead me back to my phone to change songs which usually leads back to social media 😂 - @sstephenk
- Study bit by bit leading up to your exam or test. Cramming all at once makes it harder to remember everything you looked over. - @captain_m.v
- Pace yourself when you study. I always tell myself I’m going to study hard for 50 mins. And then after that, I take a minute break to walk around, be on my phone, go get a snack, and just take a breath. Then I get back after 10 minutes and do the same thing! Everyone needs breaks, it’s okay to let yourself have one! - @kayla_centeno
- I personally like to sit myself down and devote an hour a day and make sure you have no interruptions or distractions. - @loganbruh1543
- Get all your homework done at your favorite spot on campus, so that home can be a place of relaxation! - @courtnee_dawn
- Set time limits and force yourself to work on something for at least 10 minutes! You’ll either get really into it and 10 minutes will feel like nothing, or you can change it up and then come back to it later hopefully with new insights! - @alexandraroselives
- Keep an assignment journal or a planner to make sure that you have everything done for the day! - @nadbriland
- Listen to music from intense movies or video games. They are made to motivate you! 😊 - @jaydawalton
- Study in the library! Studying at home is a bit too distracting. - @lillewie47
- Get some buddies that are good influences and will give you confidence! Having good people around you is the best first step! - @taylor.m.chaffin
- I like to set timers for how long I think I should focus just on my homework (i.e. can’t touch my phone until the timer goes off). Snacks also help! - @angela_rh_woods
- It’s okay to cry for a little bit. But take your time, and do your easiest subjects first so you have more time to focus on your tougher classes! - @katieprat99
- Get out of your room! I find it easier to study when I'm not tempted to get in bed or get too comfortable. It helps keep me focused and engaged in what I'm working on. - @adulting.is.overrated
- Have study buddies who keep you focused. Also always have lots of snacks so you don't distracted by your hunger in the middle of doing homework. - @mojo1124
- Use small snacks as rewards! When I have to study a textbook for every like 5 pages studied I give myself a few m&m’s! - @its__mayzee
- Studying with a group!!! Using a planner to spread out study topics up to the actual test. - @jessica_anne_95
- Use a planner!! Prioritize all of your assignments, and make sure you study in a no-distraction environment. - @harlee_maxwell
- I know everyone has different things that work for them, but I do best in a really quiet place with no distractions! I think it’s wise to give yourself breaks while you study. - @teridawnhaws
- Flashcards!! Its a great way to quiz yourself if you don't have anyone to help quiz you. - @jbellajolley
- Use a planner to be sure you do everything in time and don't have to cram (so much) and stress. Turn off the TV and music so you can focus. you'll finish quicker with better concentration! - @samthomps__
- Go to the library to get away from distractions at home. - @t0ri_in_w0nderland
- Set goals and then make yourself stick to them. Make sure as you are studying to take it in increments. Study for an hour, take a 10 minute break to walk around outside or get some fresh air. This helps me stay focused and motivated! - @desmynwool16
- I use the Pomodoro Technique which was taught to me by a past professor at 麻豆果冻视频. It helps me study for long periods of time without getting too fatigued. - @josegonzo18
- Go to the library! There are less distractions there so it keeps you more focused:') - @mal.barker
- Give yourself incentives! Read one chapter in your textbook, then reward yourself with an episode of Frasier (what I’m currently watching now). 🙌🏻 - @alliewyattolsen
- Push yourself to a whole new level. And do it for you not anyone else!! You have to want to be here. - @giraffelover1119
- Flash cards! Sticky notes! Practice problems! Rereading the chapter! Find what works for you. Everyone is different. - @nutmeggiemeg
- Having a group of friends to study with helps me a ton! Even when we are studying different things, if we are all trying to stay focused we encourage each other and keep each other accountable - @sbriana916
- Give yourself enough time to go over the material. Go over it multiple times and in different ways if you have to. And don't beat yourself up if it doesn't stick right away! 💪 - @austintylereddy
- ALWAYS pack snacks 😂 - @kylwha
- Snacks - @kiana_lake9
- Study groups, flash cards, and no procrastinating 😂 - @lesslieeeee_
- Bring snacks and make flash cards! - @dev_nw_llson
- Confine to a room on campus away from food and wallet - @mattandfunke
- See professors during their office hours!! - @celeste.lane
- Don’t be afraid to give yourself a break and ALWAYS bring snacks. A study buddy doesn’t hurt either, two minds can be better than one! - @alexawilleford
- Math book to the head works the best!💪🤪 - @zach1972lrbeast
- Look into different methods that work best for you. Pick the top three and switch it up each day of the week. Then you’re ready for different types of test questions. Also try and teach someone the material.
- It really helps! - @cleoneburrows43
- Get help before it's too late. Concepts stack on top of each other, so if you don't understand the basics, it makes the next step impossible. All of the professors whom I have asked for help from have given it to me. They truly want you to do well in their class. - @kayleemiddlebrook
- Setting goals for studying but taking timed breaks to let your body and brain stay active. 😁😁 - @madison_softley
- Do a little bit everyday ♥️♥️♥️ - @the.brimhall.life
- Spend 15 minutes working on a problem, then if you're still stuck, get help. Also, working in a space where everyone else is working gives you more incentive to work. - @lightstar49
And if all else fails…. - just wing it - @tcollet30
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Tags: Student