Darren Parry
The Great Hall
Darren Parry is the former Chairman of the Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation. His book, "The Bear River Massacre; A Shoshone History" retells the story of the massacre as not trapping his people in death, but offering them rebirth. While never flinching from the realities and the racial ramifications of America's spread westward, Parry offers messages of hope.
As storyteller for his people, Parry brings the full weight of Shoshone wisdom to his tales. He teaches lessons of peace in the face of violence, of strength in the teeth of annihilation, and of survival through change. His passions are for his immediate family and his tribal family, as he wants to make sure that those who have gone before him will never be forgotten.
Parry currently teaches Native American History at Utah State University. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the American West Heritage Center, in Wellsville, Utah, the Utah Humanities Board and the PBS Utah Board of Directors.
“We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee” - Redbone
“Someday” Louis Armstrong on Columbia “ - Hello Dolly!”
“Seeking Light” - Sacred Ground, tribute to mother earth Joanne Shenandoah