John Kennedy
The Great Hall
Train Your Brain for Success!
We all define personal success differently. For you it may be to be a better spouse or parent, a better athlete or to make more money doing what you love to do. However, the single common denominator to everyone’s success is our brain and how it performs. The ability to process more information faster, stay focused longer and get into the highly productive mental state called flow (“the Zone”) can significantly accelerate your journey to success. That’s what you will learn about and experience in this meeting. You will leave with a faster, more efficient brain than when you came!
In Southern Utah University’s very own Great Hall as we welcome John Kennedy, a Master Brain Trainer, #1 International Bestselling Author, and creator of Combat Brain Training, the most powerful Peak Performance program on earth. Developed at the request of the US Marine Corps it is the only program of its kind to produce these amazing results according to US Special Operations Command.
John Kennedy is a pioneer in the field of Applied Neuroplasticity. He spent 25 years as an Agile process re-engineering consultant until the Department of Defense contracted him in 2007 to develop the Combat Brain Training™ program to reduce casualties in combat and improve resiliency by accelerating mental processing and improving focus, situational awareness, and cognitive anticipation. Overwhelmingly successful, it spread quickly and is the only program of its kind vetted and approved by US Special Operations Command. It has successfully helped thousands of people improve performance including Marines, Snipers, Special Operations forces and their instructors, pilots, professional athletes, entrepreneurs and business leaders, students, children, and those suffering from brain trauma including TBI, PTSD, concussions, dementia and learning disabilities. Conducted in a team environment, communication, emotional intelligence, and overall efficiency also improve.