October 12, 2017
Live Appeals Court Session
The Great Hall
The APEX Series will be holding a special live court session which will provide students, faculty and community an insight to the real life application of law and a unique perspective on our justice system.

Event Reflection
On Oct. 12 the A.P.E.X. Event Series experienced its most attended event to date! With over 220 people in attendance it was a huge hit! Many students joined the audience from the Criminal Justice Department, the community, faculty members from many departments, and students from the Convo 2010 course.
The event featured 3 of the 7 justices from the Utah Court of Appeals. Justices Jill M. Pohlman, Gregory K. Orme, & David N. Mortensen were delighted to continue the annual partnership with the Utah Court of Appeals and A.P.E.X. They enjoy the change of venue and the ability to visit with students who are up-and-coming members of the field of law.
Two cases took place on Thursday morning, the first starting at about 9 am and the second being the A.P.E.X. Event at the usual 11:30 am time slot. The first case was “Cheek vs. Iron County.” The county argued that they could not be sued because of Cheek’s failure to give the county a pre-suit notice of claim.
The second case, “State vs. Robertson,” was the main event for the day. Robertson, a previously convicted murderer was not in attendance of the appeal. Robertson had received a guilty verdict in a past session for the death of 2 people. This appeal contested the number of jurors, the naming of it as a capital case, and the intent of the act of the defendant. The day’s sessions concluded with a short Q&A with President Wyatt and the justices. The justices passed on their bits of wisdom onto the members of the audience.
Stay tuned for A.P.E.X.’s next event, Sam Ratterree on Oct. 26.