On February 16th, 2017 we had our third speaker of our Convocation 2017 series. Our speaker was Gary Nabhan and his topic was titled "Conservation You can Taste: Restoring Biodiversity to the Farm and Table." Gary talked about how over the last three decades, more than one hundred thousand plant and animal varieties and species have become endangered around the plant, many of which formerly provided humankind with food or beverages. At the same time, a remarkable counter trend has occurred in America's gardens and orchards, and on its farms and ranch pastures. Gary also talked about the market recovery of what are popularly known as heritage foods including heirloom vegetables, grains and fruit tress as well as historic breeds of livestock and flocks of so-called poultry antiquities has been nothing short of miraculous. WE had some amazing meals with Gary and he was so generous with his time and so easy to interact with! He visited many classes in both the Humanities and Sciences, and we were able to share several meals with him where we as students could interact and ask tons for questions. It was also so interesting to hear how many people were interested in community gardens in Cedar City, as well as eating from a more sustainable approach! Our next Convocation is March 2nd, 2017 in The Great Hall at 11:30am and the speaker will be Jelani Cobb. Jelani's topic for Thursday will be "The Half-Life of Freedom.” We hope we see you guys there!